Michael Jackson death-hoax shocker – finally, 4 years after his disappearance, the truth can be told

Michael Jackson Dead – or Alive? Finally, the truth as only Derek Clontz can tell it.

Michael Jackson Dead – or Alive? Finally, the truth as only Derek Clontz can tell it.

I want the book. Take me to Amazon now.

Blockbuster new book from “Michael Jackson is Alive” mastermind Derek Clontz blows the lid off 32 “King of Pop” hoaxes that flamboozled millions of fans. What’s true? What’s not? Is Michael alive? Is he dead and, if so, where is he buried? Who is Cassandra Gretchen-Sims? What did Jackson’s sensational “Death Hoax Diary” really reveal?

No holds barred. Illustrated. A must-read for all fans.

Derek Clontz Michael Jackson

Derek Clontz

On June 25, 2009, just minutes after I heard it credibly reported that Michael Jackson was dead I fabricated and posted a story online at derekclontz.com claiming just the opposite, that the pop warbler had faked his death and gone into hiding.

And so begins the definitive book that only Derek Clontz could write, a riveting read that will explore the most compelling Michael Jackson reporting of our times with chapters like “Michael Death-Hoax Diary Found” … “New Details of Michael Death Hoax Revealed” … and, of course, “Dramatic New Proof – Michael Jackson is Alive.”

Up-to-the-minute polls. Fresh commentary. New illustrations. The truth as only Derek Clontz can tell it.

Derek Clontz Michael Jackson

Michael leaving his casket.

On sale at Amazon and all major outlets just days from now.

Super-Fan Alert: We have a limited number of early copies available at a special price, $2.99. Hurry. This offer will end. Click to buy now at Amazon.

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4 thoughts on “Michael Jackson death-hoax shocker – finally, 4 years after his disappearance, the truth can be told

  1. Dandru says:

    He’s dead. Let him rest in peace, for crying out loud.

    • ANDREW MJsOldestfan says:

      How do you know Dandru? You DON’T, my friend. Just because you read it and saw it on TV. Why is there no name on his tomb? Why did his mother go shopping for sleeping bags the day after? Why were his boys looking bored at his memorial and NOT crying for dad? Where were Paris’s tears? Remember all his kids have had acting lessons?

      Michael Joseph is “gone”. Michael JOE (his real name) is VERY much alive. TRUTH!!!

      • Jaime says:

        I’m agreeing with you …I know that MJ is not dead!

      • MaybeHeisMaybeHeisn't. says:

        many people don’t have engravings on their tombs. The kids needed stuff, that’s why she went shopping. The boys were crying. If he is not dead, the kids know nothing about it.

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