Category Archives: New Michael Jackson Book


Everybody's talking about it.

Buy the book today – click pic and go.

1. Download a FREE Kindle Cloud Reader to your computer’s desktop … or your tablet … or your smartphone … here: Get My FREE Kindle Cloud Reader for Any Device in Just a Few Seconds . Skip this step if you own a hand-held Kindle Reader.

2. Download “Impotent Not – Electrifying Intimacy for People with Physical Challenges” here: Get My Copy of Derek Clontz’s book, “Michael Jackson Lies that Rocked the World” in just a few seconds.

3. Start reading! You now have access to wholesome, healthful intimacy advice to help you in the bedroom when physical challenges such as ED are causing problems for you.

Questions? Write to author Derek Clontz using the secure form below. He reads and answers every letter, often within minutes, always within one business day.

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Can You Crack “The Clontz Code” in ‘Michael Jackson Lies that Rocked the World?’

Derek Clontz Michael Jackson

Get it? No? Read Michael Jackson Lies that Rocked the World and you will.

Day after day more and more people are “getting the truth” in Derek Clontz’s “Michael Jackson Lies that Rocked the World” – as Marcia L. from Los Angeles put it in, “Oh my God – MICHAEL IS ALIVE! It’s all in the book. It’s all right there. Every clue. All the proof. I had to read it three times before suddenly it hit me like a ton of bricks. Now I know for sure. Michael IS still with us. He IS alive!”

Think about it.

Questions? Write to Derek Clontz or buy the book and read it. Take it to your logic professor or anyone who understands “prose code.”

“The truth has been told,” says Derek. “But only if you have eyes to see it and ears to hear it.”

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New Evidence Emerges in Michael Jackson and Elvis Death Hoaxes

Elvis in Famous White House Photo.

Are Elvis and Michael alive?

Michael in Famous White House photo.

Michael in Famous White House photo.

Millions of fans believe they are.

And now, has located six experts who offer up a compelling body of evidence to support their belief that the King of Pop and the King of Rock might, just might, still be with us.

One source even gives what she believes will be the true dates of their deaths, which, she says, are well off into the future. Her reasoning and documentation will astound you.

And don’t let anyone tell you what you will read in this report isn’t true. No one is claiming that Michael and Elvis are alive. But all of our experts are saying there’s a good chance that Michael, 55, and Elvis, 78, ARE alive. They make their case. They give you the evidence.

On Aug 12, when we publish our report, you will decide. 100 pages of documentation will blow  you away.

That’s a promise.

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100,000 fans can’t be wrong – Derek Clontz’s Michael Book is Dynamite

Everybody's talking about it.

Buy the book today for $.99 – click pic and go.

Don’t be the last person you know to read  “Michael Jackson Lies that Rocked the World” and find the secret clues that prove MJ faked his death and is still alive.

A staggering 100,000 people worldwide already know what you don’t.

The “King of Pop” has a plan, and the truth is out there for any fan who can “think outside the fish bowl” and read “between the lines.”

Remember, in the realm of Michael Jackson, what’s up is down and what’s down is up. What’s then is now, what’s now is then. The truth is what you believe. And what  you believe is true.

Repeat, do NOT be the last person you know to read Derek Clontz’s explosive book. The truth is in there. Every word of it.

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Michael Jackson death-hoax shocker – finally, 4 years after his disappearance, the truth can be told

Michael Jackson Dead – or Alive? Finally, the truth as only Derek Clontz can tell it.

Michael Jackson Dead – or Alive? Finally, the truth as only Derek Clontz can tell it.

I want the book. Take me to Amazon now.

Blockbuster new book from “Michael Jackson is Alive” mastermind Derek Clontz blows the lid off 32 “King of Pop” hoaxes that flamboozled millions of fans. What’s true? What’s not? Is Michael alive? Is he dead and, if so, where is he buried? Who is Cassandra Gretchen-Sims? What did Jackson’s sensational “Death Hoax Diary” really reveal?

No holds barred. Illustrated. A must-read for all fans.

Derek Clontz Michael Jackson

Derek Clontz

On June 25, 2009, just minutes after I heard it credibly reported that Michael Jackson was dead I fabricated and posted a story online at claiming just the opposite, that the pop warbler had faked his death and gone into hiding.

And so begins the definitive book that only Derek Clontz could write, a riveting read that will explore the most compelling Michael Jackson reporting of our times with chapters like “Michael Death-Hoax Diary Found” … “New Details of Michael Death Hoax Revealed” … and, of course, “Dramatic New Proof – Michael Jackson is Alive.”

Up-to-the-minute polls. Fresh commentary. New illustrations. The truth as only Derek Clontz can tell it.

Derek Clontz Michael Jackson

Michael leaving his casket.

On sale at Amazon and all major outlets just days from now.

Super-Fan Alert: We have a limited number of early copies available at a special price, $2.99. Hurry. This offer will end. Click to buy now at Amazon.

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